Family Names
Melungeons of Virginia Family Surnames by County identified as "mongrels" trying to pass as white in Plecker's letter dated January 1943:
Moon, Powell, Kidd, Pumphrey
Amherst: (Migrants to Allegheney and Campbell)
Adcock (Adcox), Beverly (this family is now trying to evade the situation by adopting the name of Burch or Birch, which was the name of the white mother of the present adult generation), Branham, Duff, Floyd, Hamilton, Hartless, Hicks, Johns, Lawless, Nuckles (Knuckles), Painter, Ramsey, Redcross, Roberts, Southwards (Suthards, Southerds, Southers), Sorrells, Terry, Tyree, Willis, Clark, Cash, Wood
McVey, Maxey, Branham, Burley (See Amherst County)
Rockbridge: (Migrants to Augusta)
Cash, Clark, Coleman, Duff, Floyd, Hartless, Hicks, Mason, Mayse (Mays), Painters, Pultz, Ramsey, Southerds (Southers, Southards, Suthards), Sorrell, Terry, Tyree, Wood, Johns
Charles City:
Collins, Dennis, Bradby, Howell, Langston, Stewart, Wynn, Custalow (Custaloo), Dungoe, Holmes, Miles, Page, Allmond, Adams, Hawkes, Spurlock, Doggett
New Kent:
Collins, Bradby, Stewart, Wynn, Adkins, Langston
Henrico and Richmond City:
See Charles City, New Kent, and King William
Byrd, Fortune, Nelson. (See Essex)
Essex and King and Queen:
Nelson, Fortune, Byrd, Cooper, Tate, Hammond, Brooks, Boughton, Prince, Mitchell, Robinson
Elizabeth City & Newport News:
Stewart (descendants of Charles City families).
Epps (Eppes), Stewart (Stuart), Coleman, Johnson, Martin, Talley, Sheppard (Shepard), Young.
Norfolk County & Portsmouth:
Sawyer, Bass, Weaver, Locklear (Locklair), King, Bright, Porter
Sorrells, Worlds (or Worrell), Atwells, Gutridge, Olliff.
Shifflett, Shiflet
Prince William:
Tyson, Segar. (See Fauquier)
Hoffman (Huffman), Riley, Colvin, Phillips. (See Prince William)
Dorsey (Dawson)
Beverly, Barlow, Thomas, Hughes, Lethcoe, Worley
Roanoke County:
Beverly (See Washington)
Lee and Smyth:
Collins, Gibson, (Gipson), Moore, Goins, Ramsey, Delph, Bunch, Freeman, Mise, Barlow, Bolden (Bolin), Mullins, Hawkins (Chiefly Tennessee Melungeons)
Dingus (See Lee County)
Keith, Castell, Stillwell, Meade, Proffitt. (See Lee and Tazewell)
Hammed, Duncan. (See Russell)
See Lee, Scott, Smyth, and Russell Counties.